Global Health Centre

Civil society at the Table?: Negotiating pandemic, environment and human rights treaties

International Geneva Global Health Platform
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Highlights | Civil society at the Table? Negotiating pandemic, environment & human rights treaties

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In 2021, governments launched negotiations towards what is expected to be a new treaty for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. While governments used to be the main actors in international rulemaking, today they are assisted, influenced, and challenged by a variety of civil society organisations demanding greater transparency, inclusivity, and accountability. But, who gets to sit at the table? What are the rules for CSO participation inside and outside decision-making spaces, and what should they be? What lessons can the global health community learn from civil society engagement in treaty-making in environment, human rights and other sectors?

Join us on November 3rd to discuss these and other salient questions with a group of international experts from academia, international organisations and civil society.




Welcome remarks by Ellen Rosskam | Coordinator, International Geneva Global Health Platform, Global Health Centre

Chair: Courtenay Howe | Senior Advocacy Advisor, STOPAIDS | Platform Coordinator, Platform for ACT-A Civil Society and Community Representatives



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