

Cookies policy

Last modification : 9 October 2024

The Cookie policy is available in French and in English. In any case, the French version shall prevail.


Last modification : 26 May 2021 

The Legal Notice is available in French and in English. In any case the French version shall prevail.

Visitor’s agreement as a consequence of accessing the websites
You have accessed the websites (hereinafter referred to as the « Websites ») of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (the « Institute »).
By accessing the Websites you confirm that you have read and understood the information as below stated (the « Legal Notice ») and declare that you agree with it, especially with (i) the exclusive application of Swiss substantive law as well as the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts at the place of the Institute’s seat (ii) the liability exclusions mentioned amongst others in the Legal Notice.

The Legal Notice is governed exclusively by Swiss substantive law. To the extent permitted by law, the competent courts at the place of the Institute’s seat, currently Geneva (Switzerland), shall have exclusive jurisdiction in respect of any dispute arising from the Legal Notice and/or the Websites’ use, subject to (i) appeal to the Swiss Supreme Court (Tribunal fédéral suisse) and (ii) the Institute’s right to prosecute a Websites’ user in any other competent jurisdiction.

Information sharing policy
Pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Legal Notice, the Institute encourages use of the Websites contents (subject to the limits of applicable law and Legal Notice) as a way to share and disseminate information about its educational mission, research and knowledge transmission in general.

Intellectual property rights
Any information of whatsoever nature (text, picture, photo, video, etc.), which is available on the Websites (the « Information ») is protected by intellectual property rights, especially by copyright. Any use of whatsoever nature (downloading, printing, copying, etc.) pertaining to the Information has to be dedicated to strictly private, personal, non collective and non commercial use (the « Private Use ») of the Websites’ visitors as well as of any third party who could access the Information, especially any third party who receives Information by whatsoever means from a Websites’ visitor. The Websites’ visitor who provides third parties with Information shall inform said third parties about the Legal Notice’s content, especially about the Private Use obligation.

Unless the Institute’s direction previously gives express and written consent, any use of whatsoever nature (downloading, printing, copying, integration into online services, etc.) to other purposes than the Private Use is strictly forbidden. Said prohibition applies to, amongst others, the Institute’s logo and name, as well as any logo and name in relation with the Institute mentioned in the Websites.

If and in so far as guest websites are hosted by the Institute, such a guest website is governed by its own regulation as regards intellectual property rights, especially copyright.

Even if dedicated for Private Use, the Information’s use of whatsoever nature cannot be construed as or lead to an assignment (or any other legal action which could be considered as equivalent) of any right, especially of intellectual property rights, pertaining to the Information.

In any case quoting of references shall comply with applying requirements. Plagiarism constitutes a prohibited behavior under law and applying regulations.

Links to other websites
Websites could mention links to other websites that are external to the Websites of the Institute (the « Other Websites »). In such a case the Institute cannot be held liable or responsible in any form whatsoever and/or for any reason whatsoever especially for the content and/or the operation of the Other Websites.

In any case the Other Websites are governed by their own regulations, especially as regards intellectual property rights.

Hyperlinks to the Websites
The setting-up of hyperlinks to the Websites is subject to the previous express and written consent of the Institute’s direction.

General exclusion of any liability or responsibility
The Institute cannot be held liable or responsible in any form whatsoever and/or for any reason whatsoever for any eventual damage of whatsoever nature, especially in relation with the access (or lack of access) to the Websites, the use (or non-use), in any form whatsoever, of the Information mentioned in the Websites.

The Institute makes no warranties or guarantees, in any form whatsoever and/or for any reason whatsoever, especially as regards the quality of the Information delivered, the update of said Information as well as its original, unaltered, complete and/or exact nature.

Websites pages requiring a password
Some Websites pages require a password (login). In addition to the Legal Notice the use of said pages is subject, as the case may be, to their own regulations. 

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