Centre for International Environmental Studies
CIES_Climate Game

Climate World Game - Ahead of COP26

Student involvement in negotiations
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Maison de la paix | The Graduate Institute | Auditorium Ivan Pictet 

Ahead of the COP26, the Centre for International and Environmental Studies & GISA Environmental Committee are organising a simulated version of the climate summit.

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This "World Climate Game" simulation is designed for IHEID students passionate about diplomacy, environmental action, and strategic cooperation.

The simulation will begin with each participant receiving a dossier containing their country assignment, nation bloc, position, and objectives - no advance preparation required. Within the set timeframe, participants are tasked with collaborating, debating, and negotiating solutions to the global climate crisis. By entering the agreements reached by the delegates into C-Roads software (developed by MIT), the mediator, playing the role of the UN Secretary General, will reveal whether the goal of keeping global warming well below 2°C compared to pre-industrial temperatures has been achieved.

The simulation provides participants the opportunity to apply classroom knowledge, practice real-world negotiation skills, and experience the speed and level of action of international summits, all toward the mutual goal of our shared future. Afterwards, we will come together and reflect on the experience over drinks and snacks. This will also be a moment to meet and mingle with people with similar goals. 

Will we be able to protect the planet from a climate catastrophe? Come and prove that it is still possible!

More information about the nature of the event can be found here.

Please note: The event is only open to Graduate Institute students. Access to indoor public events is limited to attendees with a Swiss or European COVID certificate. In addition, face masks must be worn to all in-person events at the Graduate Institute.

This is an in-person event, only open to Graduate Institute students. Please register below to attend the event.

