Conversation with Julia Steinberger on Growth, Wellbeing, and Ecological Collapse

Conversation with Julia Steinberger on Growth, Wellbeing, and Ecological Collapse

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the FAB, Petal 2, 4th Floor, Maison de la Paix

Despite mounting evidence that decoupling of environmental impacts from economic growth is not occurring, the pursuit of “green growth” remains the prevailing economic paradigm. Inevitably, this will lead to ecological breakdown and social outcomes that are neither just nor sustainable. This event provides insights into the rising field ecological economics. In conversation with Prof. Julia Steinberger, we will explore how societies globally can satisfy people’s material needs while safeguarding planetary boundaries.

Julia Steinberger is Professor of Societal Challenges of Climate Change at the University of Lausanne since 2020. As an ecological economist, she is examining the current and historical linkages between resource use and socioeconomic parameters, and identifying alternative development pathways to inform the transition to a low carbon society. In 2022 the European Research Council (ERC) awarded her a Synergy Grant for a project titled “Pathways towards post growth deals” together with Giorgos Kallis and Jason Hickel.

Her areas of interdisciplinary research and teaching include Climate Change, Climate Risk, Degrowth, Industrial Ecology, Sustainable Development, Political Economy, Heterodox Economics, Human well-being and Sufficiency. Prof Steinberger was Lead Author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group 3 for the 6th Assessment Report and is a climate activist.

The event will start with an interview that is live recorded and will be published in the form of a podcast by the Environmental Committee’s “The Ecologist”. Subsequently, the floor will be opened to the audience for an extensive informal conversation. It is followed by an apéro.

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