International Development Policy and Gender Centre
Berlin, Touch the wall

Gender in Peacebuilding: Local practices in Indonesia and Nigeria

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Gender, age, class, ethnicity, religion and political ideologies all matter in peacebuilding. Adopting a feminist approach, the 13th volume of International Development Policy analyses such intersecting differences in local contexts to develop a better understanding of how intersectionally gendered dynamics shape and are shaped by peacebuilding. Findings are presented from a six-year collaborative research project that, involving scholars from Indonesia, Nigeria and Switzerland, investigated peacebuilding initiatives in Indonesia and Nigeria. The authors identify a number of logics that highlight how gender is deployed strategically or asserts itself inadvertently through gender stereotypes, gendered divisions of labour, or identity constructions.
Editors of the thematic issue Gender in Peacebuilding: Local Practices in Indonesia and Nigeria will present their main findings; speakers will discuss the book and share with the audience how this special issue brings clarity to this complex issue.


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  • Elisabeth Prügl, Professor and Co-director of the Gender Centre at the Graduate Institute, Geneva.
  • Wening Udasmoro, Professor at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
  • Joy Onyesoh, International President of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) and President of WILPF Nigeria.
  • Elizabeth Mesok, SNF PRIMA Grantee at the Center for Gender Studies at the University of Basel, Switzerland.

Discussion with the authors and audience.


Gender in Peacebuilding

Organised by International Development Policy and the Gender Centre.


International Development Policy and Gender Centre