Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy
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Experimenting Citizens Assemblies in Belgium, France and Switzerland

DEBAT avec Frédéric Josselin, Bernard Reber, Ann-Mireille Sautter et Yanina Welp (FR/EN)
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Pavillon Sicli, Route des Acacias 45, 1227 Genève

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Citizens' Assemblies are advanced as an institutional solution to tackle some of the challenges facing representative democracies. This debate will focus on the practice of citizens' assemblies in the light of several concrete experiences, particularly in Geneva (local), France (national) and Belgium (systemic). These experiences will be illustrated by the actors who set them up as well as by researchers who have followed the processes.


  • Frédéric Josselin, Head of Department of Citizen Participation, Office of Urbanism at Département du territoire, Canton of Geneva
  • Bernard Reber, Director of Researchs at CNRS, Paris and Researcher at CEVIPOF, Sciences Po Paris
  • Ann-Mireille Sautter, Doctoral Researcher, UCLouvain and KU Leuven


  • Yanina Welp, Research Fellow, Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy, Geneva Graduate Institute

Simultaneous translation in French/English. Please bring your own phone and headphones in order to access simultaneous interpretation.

Cet événement fait partie de la Semaine de la démocratie. Il est organisé par le Département du territoire (DT) de la République et Canton de Genève et le Centre Albert Hirschman sur la Démocratie du Geneva Graduate Institute.

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