Miriam Tola

Struggling With Care: Feminist/Queer Insights on COVID-19 as Socio-Ecological Crisis

Miriam Tola, University of Lausanne
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In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, feminist approaches to care and social reproduction have been widely used for highlighting the value of life-making activities including healthcare and education, as well as the persistence of stark care inequalities along the lines of gender, race, and class. However, the socio-ecological dimension of care and reproduction remains far less explored.

Thinking with feminist and queer networks in Italy with references to transnational activism, this presentation argues for a reconsideration of care and reproduction to account for the socio-ecological relations in which the pandemic is embedded.


About the speaker

Miriam Tola is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Geography and Sustainability of the University of Lausanne where she is affiliated with PlaGE (Plateforme en études genre). Her research combines interdisciplinary approaches to explore the intersections between the politics of nature, gender and race. Her work has appeared in journals such as Feminist Studies, Feminist Review, South Atlantic Quarterly, Theory and Event and Studi Culturali. She is completing two book projects: 1) an edited collection on the ecologies and technologies of care; 2) a monograph titled The Commons Reimagined. Feminist and Decolonial Encounters. She held faculty positions at Northeastern University in Boston and John Cabot University in Rome and worked as a journalist in the United States and Italy.


Part of the Gender Seminar Series

The Gender Centre has developed this series of research seminars in order to offer a platform of exchange for students, doctoral students in particular, and researchers whose work includes a gender perspective. During this monthly series, researchers have the opportunity to discuss their work, meet peers from different disciplines at the Graduate Institute, as well as interact with other students, guest speakers and faculty members.

See the programme of this semester's Gender Seminar Series here.

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