Stories from the classroom
18 November 2021

Ambassador Thomas Greminger participates in Class Discussions

The course "Cooperation and Competition, Security in Europe and the Role of the OSCE”, taught by Professor Fred Tanner hosted Ambassador Thomas Greminger, former OSCE Secretary General.

During the final session of the MINT course on Cooperation and Competition, Security in Europe and the Role of the OSCE, taught by Professor Fred Tanner, Ambassador Thomas Greminger participated in the class discussions.

Ambassador Greminger, a distinguished Swiss diplomat, was until recently the Secretary General of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Vienna. Previously, he was the Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the OSCE and the Chair of the Permanent Council during Switzerland’s OSCE Chairmanship in 2014.

The hybrid session that he joined on Wednesday, 17 November involved "Dealing  Regionally with Global Challenges". In particular, the discussions focused on three main topics:

  1. The COVID-19 crisis and the role of regional organizations

  2. Cyber security and cyber confidence building

  3. Gender equality

The themes that emerged during the talk were several, including the COVID-19  pandemic, climate change, cyber security, abuse of communication technology, and gender inequality. Some of the cases presented dealt with the impact of COVID-19 emergency measures on human rights and democracy in the OSCE region, the Swedish 2021 OSCE Chairmanship and the Women, Peace and Security  Agenda (WPS), the interface between election integrity and cyber security, and presentations of other regional organizations.