Lunch Briefing session
12 June 2023


At a lunch briefing session on 1 June at the institute, Jérôme Duberry gave us a comprehensive overview of all the challenges facing academic staff as a result of AI, but also of all the great opportunities that lie ahead. With one question to guide us through this session: what role do we want to give to technology, in our present time and in the future, because this is for us to decide.

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers both challenges and opportunities for academia. On the one hand, AI presents new research areas for scholars and provides tools to analyse and understand complex datasets. On the other hand, AI also raises ethical and social issues, such as data privacy, bias and accountability. In addition to research, AI also has the potential to transform teaching and learning. AI-based technologies can personalise learning experiences, provide feedback and support to students, and automate administrative tasks. The future of academia in the age of AI will require a continuous adaptation to the new technological landscape and a rethinking of traditional teaching and research methods to harness its full potential while addressing the ethical and social implications of its use.



Jérôme Duberry is Managing Director of the Tech Hub, Academic Advisor of the Executive Programme in Diplomacy, Negotiation and Policy-Making, and Senior Research Fellow at the Albert Hirschman Center on Democracy (AHCD) and at the Centre for International Environmental Studies (CIES). His research activities focus on the technology/civil society nexus. His latest book, Artificial Intelligence and Democracy, explores the intermediation of AI in the citizen-government relation and calls for an innovative and human-centered AI governance that prioritises equality, freedom, human rights and popular sovereignty.