Centre for Finance and Development
06 December 2023

Carbon pricing – The role of fiscal policies

Find out more on carbon pricing in Nathan Sussman's blog

Carbon pricing – the role of fiscal policies


Who should bear the cost of air pollution and global warming? The users of polluting fuels or all of humanity? The producers and/or the consumers? How do we price carbon? What is the most efficient way to collect a carbon tax? And how to achieve greater equality and solidarity in the campaign to reduce global warming?

Find out more on the blog written by Nathan Sussman, Professor in International Economics, Pictet Chair in Finance and Development, Director of the Centre for Finance and Development, and Director of the MAS in Sustainable Finance and Development at the Geneva Graduate Institute.


Find out more


The Green Fiscal Policy Network

This blog was published on the Green Fiscal Policy Network, which works to facilitate knowledge sharing and dialogue on fiscal policies for an inclusive green economy.  The Green Fiscal Policy Network was established by a partnership between the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) to promote knowledge sharing and dialogue on green fiscal policies.

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