Centre for International Environmental Studies
24 August 2021

Heard the news? Environmental Policy and Clean Investment

Laura Nowzohour presented her joint research paper with Joëlle Noailly and Matthias van den Heuvel at the European Economic Association session on "Climate Impact and Policy Response".

The European Economic Association session on "Climate Impact and Policy Response" took place on August 23rd 2021. As one of the speakers, Laura Nowzohour presented her joint research paper with Joëlle Noailly and Matthias van den Heuvel, "Heard the news? Environmental Policy and Clean Investment".

Matthias van den Heuvel also presented the paper at the EAERE Annual Conference back in June.

Their paper supports the ongoing Research Project, Financing Investments in Clean Technologies, which is led by Prof Noailly. 

In the new research paper, they use text-mining algorithms on the top 10 US newspapers over the last 30 years to build a general index of US environmental policy history and environmental and climate regulations. They analyse how these indexes capture significant policy changes with proxies for clean tech investments.

Their study exemplifies how substantial information on environmental policy can be drawn from newspaper articles, which provides a notable encouragement for future research avenues on cleantech and the environment.