Jannik Belser, MaSters Candidate at the International History and Politics Department, wins 1st prize in the Young Journalist Category of the Media Prize for Quality Journalism in Zurich.

Around 400 journalists applied for the «Medienpreis für Qualitätsjournalismus» award with individual applications or team work for the award.
Young Journalists Category 1st prize winner Jannik Belser, was selected for his Schweizer Monat article: " Inszenierte Betroffenheit am Genfer Welttheater.Der Multilateralismus hat schon bessere Tage gesehen. Ein Besuch im internationalen Genf."(Staged consternation at Geneva's World Theatre).
Quality journalism is alive and well, also among young journalists. The report we are awarding today begins with the sentence "I've never been to Geneva". The reportage provides a critical but also humorous insight into the everyday life of UN diplomats in the Palais des Nations, in Geneva. The author essentially describes a session of the Human Rights Council. He notes that it is not really about the details in the reports being discussed, but rather a clash between the world views of democrats and autocrats. This observation is highly topical against the background of the war in Ukraine. This report written by 23 year old Jannik Belser is refreshing, humorous and entertaining, but at the same time serious, crisp, but never hurtful.