Bilal picture


PhD Researcher in International Relations & Political Science
Spoken languages
Arabic, English, Turkish
Areas of expertise
  • Armed Conflict and Peacebuilding
  • Armed Non-State Actors
Geographical Region of Expertise
  • Middle East
  • North Africa

PhD Thesis


Title: The Oligopoly of Violence, the Cases of Syria and Libya

PhD Supervisor: Keith Krause



Bilal is a PhD candidate in the department of International Relations/Political Science. His thesis focuses on the question of “Oligopoly of Violence.” He is also a doctoral researcher at the Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding (CCDP) as part of the project “A Child of its Time: The Impact of World Politics on Peacebuilding.”


Academic Work Experience


Research Experience

2020-2022: Research Assistant for the Swiss National Science Foundation funded PRIMA project “A Child of its Time: The Impact of World Politics on Peacebuilding”.

