
Lucile Maertens

Associate Professor, International Relations/Political Science
Co-Director, Global Governance Centre, on sabbatical for 2025
Spoken languages
French, English
Areas of expertise
  • Climate, climate change, natural disasters
  • Development, cooperation and aid policies
  • Environment, environmental policies (and law)
  • Governance (local and international)
  • International organisations, UN
  • Multilateral diplomacy, international negotiations
Geographical Region of Expertise
  • Western and Central Europe
  • Latin America
  • Caribbean


PhD : Sciences Po Paris and University of Geneva (dual degree)

Prof Lucile Maertens joins the Geneva Graduate Institute’s faculty in September 2023. She was previously a Senior Lecturer in Political Science and International Relations at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, a Postdoctoral Fellow at Columbia University, USA, and a Visiting Research Fellow at King’s College London, UK. She recently co-authored Why International Organizations Hate Politics: Depoliticizing the World (2021) and co-edited International Organizations and Research Methods: An Introduction (2023). Her current research focuses on international organisations, multilateral practices, global environmental governance and issues of temporality and (de)politicisation.

Selected Publications


  • Louis, Marieke and Lucile Maertens. 2021. Why International Organizations Hate Politics: Depoliticizing the World, New York, Routledge. (Available in open access).

Edited volumes and special issues

Peer-review articles

  • Ide, Tobias, McKenzie F. Johnson, Jon Barnett, Florian Krampe, Philippe Le Billon, Lucile Maertens, Nina von Uexkull, and Irene Vélez-Torres, "The Future of Environmental Peace and Conflict Research", Environmental Politics (online first view) DOI:
  • Kimber, Leah R. and Lucile Maertens. 2021. "Experiencing Time and Space within the United Nations", Global Policy, vol. 12, n°S7: 14-23. (equal authors) DOI: 
  • Maertens, Lucile. 2021. "Climatizing the UN Security Council", International Politics, vol. 58, n°4: 640-660. DOI:
  • Maertens, Lucile. 2019. "From Blue to Green? Environmentalisation and Securitisation in UN Peacekeeping Practices", International Peacekeeping, vol. 26, n°3: 302-326. DOI:
  • Maertens, Lucile. 2018. "Depoliticisation as a Securitising Move. The case of the United Nations Environment Programme", European Journal of International Security, vol. 3, n°3: 344-363. DOI:

Current research project(s) and/or publication(s)

  • First things first! How to keep the United Nations environmental agenda in times of crisis – a two-year project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (Subside n°100017_200834)
  • Switzerland as an elected member at the UN Security Council (2023-2024) – a three-year project co-managed with Dr Sara Hellmüller, funded by the Fondation pour l’UNIL


ORCID profile

Lucile Maertens