Geneva Peace Week 2021
Opening Ceremony GPW2021

Geneva Peace Week Opening Ceremony

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Auditorium Ivan Pictet, Maison de la Paix
The Ceremony will also be streamed online, on the GPW homepage.

The Geneva Peace Week Opening Ceremony will focus on this year's theme: From seeds to systems of peace: Weathering today’s challenges. GPW21 aims to galvanize leadership, build trust and contribute to transforming international cooperation.

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The Geneva Peace Week Opening Ceremony will formally open Geneva Peace Week 2021 (GPW21), and this public event will take place in-person (Auditorium Ivan Pictet, Maison de la Paix), followed by a Reception. The Ceremony will also be streamed online, on the GPW homepage.

The Geneva Peace Week Opening Ceremony will focus on this year's theme: From seeds to systems of peace: Weathering today’s challenges. GPW21 aims to galvanize leadership, build trust and contribute to transforming international cooperation.

The Opening Ceremony will set the broader context for a week of dynamic Online Workshops and Digital Series contributions, and the Ceremony will include key-note speeches from high-level speakers, discussions, video contributions, and attendee participation and engagement. A Reception will follow the Opening Ceremony for all in-person attendees.

The Ceremony has been organized by the Geneva Peace Week Consortium of partner organizations.

IMPORTANT: Please note that an indoor public session is limited to attendees with a Swiss or European COVID certificate, and that a face masks must be worn to all in-person events in the Maison de la paix. There will be a maximum amount of attendees who can join in-person sessions, and we ask you to only register if you can definitely come. Please note that registration for an in-person session will not guarantee entry upon arrival, and that registered participants will be allowed inside on a first-come-first-served basis.

To register, please visit the GPW website.