Global Health Centre

Watch: Global Health Challenges: Can investors and civil society work together?

International Geneva Global Health Platform
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Hybrid: Auditorium Ivan Pictet, Geneva Graduate Institute, Maison de la paix and online.

Moderated panel discussion followed by a reception

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Event | Global Health Challenges: Can investors and civil society work together?


Under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), countries have set an ambitious health policy agenda prioritising universal health coverage. The scale of investment needed for equitable access to health services means global health will be a key economic opportunity for decades to come. WHO estimates the funding needed to achieve the health-related SDG targets is US$134 billion per year, rising to US$274-$371 billion per year by 2030. WHO has called this the "SDG Health Price Tag." To cover the price tag and achieve the goals, new financing partnerships are vital.

With increasing focus on systemic risks to planetary health, new coalitions are emerging between investors and civil society. These new coalitions are promising as the engaged firms move away from the objective of short-term value maximisation, which is at times viewed as being in conflict with equitable delivery on the SDGs. The new coalitions focus on global challenges, where long-term investment and cooperation across sectors are necessary. They seek new financing pathways and aim to generate health-promoting impact through contributions to research and policy agendas.

Leading financial industry experts, civil society leaders and academics will come together in this event to share three case studies of coalitions of investors and civil society working together on systemic global health challenges: access to medicines, antimicrobial resistance, and healthy nutrition. The case studies demonstrate the impact of finance, business, and civil society collaborating to encourage different industries (such as water utilities, pharmaceuticals, food, asset management, and banking) to play their part in making societal and planetary health improvements through financing and engagement. The conversations at the event will be underpinned by the understanding that in order to maximise long-term returns, the global economy requires a systemic approach to improving and protecting public health. Speakers will discuss best practices, how the coalitions overcame challenges faced during implementation, how they became change makers, and how they engaged policymakers.

The event aims to initiate a community of practice for long-term engagement between these stakeholders and provide an opportunity to create new forms of collaboration.

Join us for a facilitated discussion with lively audience participation.



  • Access to Medicines Case Study: Bram Wagner | Investor Engagement Officer, Access to Medicine Foundation
  • Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) Case Study: Maria Ortino | Senior Global ESG Manager, Legal & General Investment Management Ltd (LGIM)
  • Judith Moore | Head of Health & Healthcare Initiatives, World Economic Forum

Moderated by Nadya Wells | Senior Research Adviser, Global Health Centre, Geneva Graduate Institute

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Organised by

The International Geneva Global Health Platform, in partnership with the Geneva Trade Platform and World Economic Forum.

GHC and Platform Logos Geneva Trade Platform


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