PhD Thesis Defence
Panagiotis A. Kyriakou

The Normative Guideposts, Constraints and Externalities of the Regime Complex for Financial Crisis Response: A Case Study of Iceland, the Eurozone and Argentina

Panagiotis A. Kyriakou
, -

Maison de la Paix, Room S9, Pétale 2

The thesis defences are open to the public

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In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in International Law

President of the committee:

  • Fuad Zarbiyev, Associate Professor

Members of the committee:

  • Joost Pauwelyn, Professor, Thesis Director
  • Fuad Zarbiyev, Associate Professor, Internal Reader
  • Rosa M. Lastra, Professor, School of Law, Queen Mary University of London, UK