Global Health Centre

Watch: Introduction to the 77th World Health Assembly: Addressing Health Challenges in an Increasingly Polarized World

International Geneva Global Health Platform
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Hybrid: Auditorium Ivan Pictet, Geneva Graduate Institute, Maison de la paix and livestreamed here.

Introduction to the 77th World Health Assembly.

Moderated panel discussion followed by a reception.

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The event starts at 37 minutes and 8 seconds


Since 2014, the Global Health Centre (GHC) and United Nations Foundation (UNF) have co-hosted an annual public event on the eve of the World Health Assembly (WHA) to preview the key issues being considered at the Assembly and explain WHA modalities for delegates, non-state actors, the media, and general audiences. The event regularly attracts hundreds of participants in-person and more than 1500 online. The GHC and UNF are pleased to continue this tradition for the 10th year with a briefing ahead of the 77th World Health Assembly titled “Addressing Health Challenges in an Increasingly Polarized World.” This event will be held in-person at the Ivan Pictet Auditorium of the Geneva Graduate Institute and livestreamed on YouTube here.



Welcome remarks by Dr. Ahmed Ogwell Ouma | Vice President of Global Health Strategy, UN Foundation

  • Gian Luca Burci | Senior Visiting Professor of International Law, Academic Adviser, Global Health Centre, Director, Joint LLM in Global Health Law and Governance, Geneva Graduate Institute
  • Precious Matsoso | Co-Chair, Intergovernmental Negotiating Body
  • Ashley Bloomfield | Co-Chair, Working Group on the International Health Regulations
  • Priti Patnaik | Founding Editor, Geneva Health Files
  • Bruce Aylward | Assistant Director-General, Universal Health Coverage, Life Course, World Health Organization
  • Pascale Allotey | Director, WHO Department of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research including UNDP-UNFPA-UNICEF-WHO-World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction (HRP) 
  • Anna Coates | Senior Technical Lead/Unit Head, Gender, Department of Gender, Rights and Equity - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (GRE-DEI), Office of the Director-General, World Health Organization, Geneva
  • Anders Nordström | Former Ambassador for Global Health at the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs
  • Daniel Thornton | Director, Coordinated Resource Mobilization, WHO
  • Desta Lakew | Co-chair of the Lusaka Agenda Working Group and Group Director of Partnerships and External Affairs at Amref Health Africa
  • Björn Kümmel | Deputy Head of Unit, Global Health, German Federal Ministry of Health
  • Lori Sloate | Senior Director, Global Health, UN Foundation

Closing remarks by Suerie Moon | Professor of Practice, Interdisciplinary Programmes and International Relations/Political Science, Director, Global Health Centre, Geneva Graduate Institute

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Organised by

The International Geneva Global Health Platform and United Nations Foundation (UNF).



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