Communication from the Director
23 October 2023

Standing Together for Peace in the Middle East

A message from Marie-Laure Salles & Mohamed Mahmoud Mohamedou, on the bloodshed and ongoing humanitarian situation in the Middle East.

It is with profound sadness that we are witnessing the bloodshed and ongoing humanitarian situation in the Middle East. Civilians, as always, are paying the highest price. We are shocked by the disrespect of basic international humanitarian law by all warring parties and deeply regret the lack of strong initiatives to promote peace. The deliberate killing and hostage taking of civilians can never be justified – they are a violation of international law and always a defeat for humanity – and the destruction, the human and humanitarian tragedy unfolding in Gaza are dramatic.

Our hearts go out to the thousands of civilian victims in Israel and Palestine and to their families, to those on all sides who lost their loved ones and to those who are anxiously waiting to hear about their missing relatives. Our thoughts go to all those who continue to fear and suffer. To our students, faculty, staff and to the members of our community who have relatives or friends impacted by this tragedy of local and global proportions, we send a message of support and sincere empathy. Today more than ever, we need to stand by each other.

We remind all our students  affected in those difficult times that we are there for them if they need study arrangements (, or psychological or other form of support ( or via this link).

Since its founding, almost a century ago, our Institute has systematically privileged the building of international trust, and worked towards the advancement of peace and respect for international humanitarian law per our educational mission. Amidst the suffering playing out and the lack of perspectives for peace, more than ever this mission remains relevant and urgent. Following that mission, our faculty and researchers have offered their expertise in recent events and commentary on the current and wider dimensions, which you can follow here. Other events will follow.

With warm regards,

Marie-Laure Salles, Director & Mohamed Mahmoud Mohamedou, Deputy-Director

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